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Future Me Now 

Who Are You Becoming?

Living Fearlessly In Your True Identity

 " is a digital journaling platform that gives you the mindset, skillsets and systems to discover & live in your True Identity"

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 Record your Future Video 

Start your journey with our FREE Mindset Map

Let's start to discover your True Identity

How Does Future Me Now Work?

"Between stimulus and response there is a gap. In that gap is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our ability to transform our future”

It will only take less than 30 minutes to create your own personal and confidential way to guide your future. We call it the Future Me Method. This strategy we lead you through is designed to engage your intuitive mind in a way that enables you to quickly create your own Future Me Framework.  As you connect to your Future Me, you immediately go deep into getting clarity around the things that are most important to you and your life and you begin to form your own true identity. The more you activate the Future Me Method into your life, the faster the clarity and the clearer your future vision becomes. 

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Learn how to quickly stop living in fear

Activate Your Future Me Now

1. Discover your current mindset

Your Mindset Map provides a comprehensive overview of your current thinking which includes your wellbeing and mental health. This gives you a foundation so that you can understand how to begin to imagine who you want to be in the future. This assessment from Sapien Labs only takes 10 minutes to complete, but it could give you one of the most impactful insights into how you think about yourself and the world around you.

2. Send a video to your Future Self

Record a video to your Future Me so that you can begin to activate your intuitive mind in a way that is transformational. While this may sound simple and even a bit out of the box, this one action is actually how you begin to connect with your Future Me in a personal way. So by sending your Future Me a video, you are actually creating a connection that begins to pull you into your future.
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Stop Fearing Failure. Live Your True Identity

Your Tools To Envision Your Future

  1. Your own personal and confidential Mindset Map
  2. A breakdown of how to review your Mindset Map results
  3. A bonus section that includes six areas of mental health that describe in detail your current self thought.

Imagine If......

Right now are you are struggling with what to do next in your life? Perhaps you are a bit confused, isolated and perhaps feeling like you really need to step into something new!

Imagine If......

You have received clarity around how not just where you want to go in the future, but what you should be doing today to take a step into your future. 

This could be your reality 

Right now you could be learning how to activate and strengthen your intuitive mind. It's so much fun in fact that it would be something that you want to continue to do because you understand that this is a skill that has been missing in your life.

Who Is This For?

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Career Seekers

You are looking forward to a new career and starting to look for new opportunities

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Relationship Builders

During life, often the unexpected happens. You find yourself in a deep relationship. But what's next? 

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Personal Development

It's time to focus on your dreams, desires or visions that have been in your heart for a long time.

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Wealth Builders

You see an opportunity in your life to focus upon the financial area of your life. Now what?

“Renewing my mind and imagining my future, has transformed my life. The self-talk and encouragement I’ve learned to give myself, while imagining my future, has changed everything!”

William Collins 

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